
Welcome to my blog, Love and Lentils.

 I’m Sophia – the one behind it all.  Here’s my story, in a nutshell.  In 2008, I had just graduated from a Fashion Marketing program, got married, and soon after had my son, SJK.  As any parent out there understands, the unconditional love of a mother and child has defined my life, but in those first few months of sleepless nights and barely any adult interactions, I needed an outlet!  Searching for more peace in my life, the first thing that came to mind was yoga.  I joined the local YMCA and started discovering this practice.  I instantly fell in love, luckily having a wonderful teacher that I connected with even in that cold room in the middle of a grey gym.  I knew I needed to find a studio which was completely dedicated to spirituality and this ancient practice.  That’s exactly what I did, and fast forward to today, I have been practicing at a lovely studio, Om West, in the heart of Pointe Claire Village, Quebec for the last five or so years.

I tell you all this because yoga completely changed my life, from creating better balance on and off the mat, to a much better understanding of my physical and spiritual body which I never really was in tune with, to what inspired me to start this blog; my more wholesome and nutritious vegetarian diet.  I am so grateful for having enjoyed that first class at the YMCA, for it has led me to so much personal growth.

Why did I create this blog?  I didn’t create this blog to tell you how good my food is.  I was barely able to cook five years ago.  I created this blog as a way to explore vegetarian and vegan cooking and share with you what I have discovered, which for starters, is how simple and delicious it truly is.  I have a deep interest in nutrition and the impact it has on your physical, emotional and spiritual being.  I did not become a vegetarian overnight, I read several books, had endless conversations, and watched many documentaries on factory farming, GMOs, organic and sustainable farming and so on.
Food and photography are not my background.  When I met my husband, who worked in the food industry for over a decade, I was always on cheese grating duty (at most) in the kitchen.  It took a lot of learning, patience, practice, cooking disasters and a ton of photos later to decide to start blogging about food.
I believe I have something very accessible to share with you all, through the collection of recipes you will find here, which you will notice are simple, usually pretty quick, and with ingredients you are bound to already have in your fridge or pantry.    My goal is to inspire you to try something a little different for dinner, for the whole family, using whole, plant-based foods.  Your comments and feedback make my day, so please participate in this wonderful community of foodies!
Thank you for taking the time for some Love and Lentils, I hope you find some inspiration here.

82 thoughts on “About

  1. Hi Sophia! I’ve been vegan for a year, and I’m always happy to meet other vegans/vegetarians. I’ve never formally practiced yoga, but I’ve followed yoga poses from a book. I know it’s not the same. My neighbor keeps asking me to go with her to a yoga class, and I’m considering it. Hearing you speak about it here makes me even more tempted! I’m so glad to have found your blog and look forward to trying some of your recipes. Celeste:)

  2. Hello Celeste! Thank you so much for the kind words. I highly recommend you give it a try with your friend. I definitely also have a home practice, but there’s nothing like the communal feeling of practicing yoga with others. It’s magical. I would love to hear about your adventures and if you have any questions along the way, I’d love to hear from you. Also, please don’t forget, there are many styles of yoga to choose from, so even if you feel that your friend’s class may not be the one for you, keep trying differenty styles until you feel it’s right for you.
    Your blog also looks lovely!

  3. Thanks for the encouraging words. I don’t know that I’ll take a class with my friend because she does Bikram yoga and I don’t like the idea of being hot. There is another yoga class that is outside at a beautiful park that overlooks the ocean that looks more enticing to me. I might try that class. Celeste:)

  4. Hi Sophia, I love your blog, you have beautiful recipes. You have made me so hungry I have to go now, but I will be back soon to get some more inspiration 🙂

  5. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I love yours. It has some really nice and healthy recipes. Thanks so much and have a fantastic week!!!

  6. Hi, Sophia! I love your blog! Your photos are beautiful, and I identify so much with your vision. Your recipes look delicious, and I can’t wait to try so many of them! I’ll definitely be back 🙂

    • Hello Johanna,
      Thank you so much for stopping by and your kind words! I think when children are added into the mix, it really opens our eyes in terms of what we are putting in their little bodies, and our own! Everything changed after I had my son. I have never been more conscious about nutrition, organic food, sustainable farming, and the awful stuff like GMOs and factory farming.
      I look forward to connecting more with you!
      Sophia 🙂

    • Hello Priya,
      Thank you so much for the lovely words. I appreciate them greatly.
      I just returned from a mini vacation with my family, and had time to look through your blog, it’s wonderful! Do you do the illustrations? They are great and so out of the ordinary!
      Sophia 🙂

  7. frisblue says:

    Hi Sophia, I have never been to Montreal and after perusing your blog I am dying to visit. I love your blog. Hello from Australia! I have a very new blog (still learning, it’s only a few months old) which focusses on raw vegan recipes, as well as overall health and well-being.

    • Hi Friska! Thanks so much for stopping by! Wow – Australia, just across the pond 😉 Hehe. Montreal is an amazing city, I think you would appreciate the culinary experience here, for one.
      I just looked through your blog, and it looks lovely. Your story resonates with me as well, I am very much about healthy eating and living – and not using complicating techniques or tools.
      I also try to remind myself on the daily, to be mindful!
      Well, I look forward to connecting – happy blogging 🙂
      Sophia 🙂

  8. Lovely blog and great name! – I’ve just started yoga in the hope that I can de-clutter my mind. Your wonderful recipes will definitely de-clutter my stomach! 🙂

    • Hello! Thanks so much for stopping by! Your blog is great- your writing is very entertaining and humorous! Continue doing what you do – it’s great!
      Sophia 🙂

  9. Sophia, I’m so glad you found me because your blog is fantastic! I have been re-exploring my vegetarian roots from college and looking more into vegan cooking and love what you’re doing here, it will be very helpful to me. Your photography is excellent and showcases how good your food must be!

    • Thank you so much for your comment, I really appreciate your kind words! I look forward to hearing about your adventures with vegetarian and vegan cooking. Stop by anytime!
      Sophia 🙂

  10. Hi Sophia! Happy to meet you here via our lovely fellow blogger, Priya. 🙂 Great to find a fellow Canadian, foodie and yogini in you! ^^ Excited to go through your vegetarian and vegan recipes, and will follow you for some inspiration! 🙂

  11. Dear Sophia,like you, yoga was love-at-first-practice for me, but in my case, for one reason or another it’s been way too long since it was a regular part of my life and reading your “about” section makes me really miss it and motivates me to try to get back to it. I’m not a vegetarian but in effect, do mostly follow a vegetarian diet in my life, and always interested in delicious vegetarian and vegan recipes and will be interested to follow your recipes. Anyway, a pleasure it is to find your blog.

    • Thanks so much for stopping by here. Yes, yoga is a huge part of my life, and I am sure you will fall right back in love with your practice when you return.
      I do hope the recipes you find here will inspire you to try them!
      I must say, your blog is SO lovely!
      Glad we connected here.
      Sophia 🙂

  12. Hello! I just nominated your blog for The Liebster Award. All you have to do is visit my blog quicheandtell.wordpress.com for more information and the rules of the award. If you choose to accept this nomination, kindly include your answers to the following questions in your acceptance post:

    Why do you blog?
    Which 3 qualities best describe you?
    Do you eat to live or live to eat?
    Name one celebrity you would like to cook for.
    Can you think of one dish that would define your personality?
    Name 3 reasons why home cooks can be considered on par with chefs.
    If you had the money, name one cause that you would support.
    What is toughest challenge you face while cooking?
    What would your last meal on earth be?
    What is your dream holiday destination?
    Congratulations on the nomination! Happy cooking and blogging!


    Supriya Kutty


    • Hello Supriya! I love the name of your blog. 🙂
      Thank you so very much for nominating my blog. I truly appreciate it, however I just accepted the Liebster Award from a fellow blogger.
      I look forward to looking through your other nominations- I think it’s the best part of these awards!

  13. Hey Sophia! A week or so ago I sent you a note asking if you’d like to do a guest post on my blog. I haven’t heard back from you about it, so I just wanted to make sure you got the message. Or you may have got the message and felt way too busy to do a guest post, which I totally understand! Either way, I just wanted to check in with you girlfriend! Hope you’re having a wonderful week! Celeste 🙂

    • Hello Celeste!
      I’ve been out of town for a few days, I just got back today but I didn’t see your message! Sounds great Celeste – what would be the context of the post, anything specific?
      Sophia 🙂

      • Yea Sophia – I’m so excited!! I already responded to the other note you sent, but I’ll respond here too. Anything you want to share is fine – everything you post is always fab! I’m looking forward to it! Celeste 🙂

  14. Hello Sophia, Found your lovely blog through Priya’s awards page. Yoga is a big part of my life and I Insisted my 11 years twin kids to do yoga. I know it’s not quite easy to be a mom.Your recipes are too good and I am always interested in vegetarian and vegan recipes. 🙂

    • Hello! Thank you so much for stopping by here. Priya’s blog is so lovely, and I am happy to connect with like-minded people.
      I find it amazing that you have convinced your children to practice yoga as well. I do a little bit of yoga at home with my four year old son, but recently, a kids class started at the studio where I practice, so I have been thinking about sending him! He’ll probably enjoy it more with other young ones around. His favourite pose is three legged downward dog, it’s quite cute. Hehe. 🙂
      Thanks for your lovely comment and I look forward to having you stop by soon.
      Sophia 🙂

  15. Hi Sophia, I loved reading your story, I too have had my own journey with yoga over the past few years and I feel that it has literally fixed my brain and my body. I have found a peace through yoga and a wonderful set of friends and like you, yoga and food have become the mainstays of my life recently 🙏
    Thank you for your lovely blog, I look forward to reading more 😊

    • Thank you so much! Wow, that is so wonderful that you’ve been a vegetarian your whole life! Pretty amazing. Although I am a vegetarian, I mostly cook vegan meals. It just turned out that way.
      Thank you for stopping by, I’m off to check out your site now. 🙂

      • It was not that easy for my mom to have a vegetarian baby, and back than in the 90’s we didn’t even knew that someone who doesn’t eat meat at all is called a vegetarian :)). I adore the vegan lifestyle but I am still eating 80% vegetarian and 20% vegan. Your blog is wonderful, I will be here often. Have a fantastic day 🙂

      • I can imagine it wasn’t easy for your mum!
        Very interesting what you said about back then, you weren’t called ‘vegetarian’. You just didn’t eat meat. 🙂
        I’m glad you can find some inspiration on Silk & Spice, do stop by any time.
        Sophia 🙂

  16. Dear Sophia,
    I have nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award. No pressure on you to acknowledge, accept or pass on this award. This is just my way of letting you know that I appreciate your blog and the hard work you put in to make it so wonderful! Please take a look at the award mention here: http://wp.me/p2WqlF-VV.
    Much love,

  17. Hi Sophia, Just found your blog via Honk if you’re Vegan.
    I only discovered Yoga when I went vegan 3 years ago and somehow my vegan journey and yoga path entwined. I was vegetarian since the age of 12 I now don’t understand what took me so long to go fully vegan.

    Now I love to cook and photography is a big love of mine also, just wanted to let you know how much I enjoy your blog.

    • Hi Karen!
      I’m so glad you visited from Celeste’s blog. She has an awesome blog, doesn’t she!
      It’s interesting that your yoga path and vegan journey entwined, I feel the exact same way about my vegetarianism and yoga. I do cook mostly vegan, but haven’t taken the leap full on. It’s awesome that you have!
      Nice connecting with you here,

  18. I LOVE vegetarian eating (ESPECIALLY lentils!) even though I’m not a vegetarian. I eat vegetarian at least 3 times a week, sometimes more. Feel free to check out my blog any time, I eat all organic non-GMO foods, and will be posting some vegan recipes in the near future!

    • Hi there! Thanks so much for stopping by. Glad to hear you love eating vegetarian, even as someone who isn’t 100% veg. I look forward to going through your blog, I also eat mostly organic and love the idea of getting some tips of how to do so without breaking the bank!
      Sophia 🙂

  19. Hi Sophia, thank you for stopping by my blog and following. I love yours. I too am just entering the world of yoga. I have always wanted to fit in a daily yoga practice, but so far, have not succeeded. I have decided that 2014 is the year. Your words have reinspired me. The universe is definately showing me that it is time to start. I look forward to browsing through your entire site and hope you enjoy mine. Take care, Tracy.

    • Hello Tracy! Thanks for stopping by here as well. I was just reading about you and I just wanted to share how much my dog Coco loves carrots as well. So cute!
      I am so happy to hear you are on the road to making yoga a part of your life. You will not regret it. It has made me so much happier and more sane!
      Have a look around, I’m really happy you are enjoying Love and Lentils, and I must say, you have excellent recipes as well!

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