

I am truly so honoured by the immense support I have experienced on WordPress.  When I started blogging, I was part of the worst blog platform imaginable.  Nobody interacted, besides, the site was always having technical issues.  I am so glad I migrated everything over to WordPress, I have connected and been inspired by so many creative, fun, talented bloggers.  You all inspire me every day.  I love reading through my daily feed of posts.

Recently, I was lucky to be nominated by the lovely Priya over at Sugarfree Sweetheart for the Shine On Award.  It’s no surprise that the talented illustrator nominated us in the most creative way.  Priya created a beautiful banner for each and every one of us!  I highly urge you to go over and have a look.  Priya, THANK YOU, I am truly grateful.

This week, I was also nominated for the Versatile Blogger Award over at Food Daydreaming as well as by Johanna at Whole and Happy Food.  I love seeing posts of yummy recipes by Food Daydreaming, and Johanna is a super mom with super skills in the kitchen.  A big THANK YOU to you both.  I am truly grateful.

Since it is my first time being nominated for the Versatile Blogger Award, I will go ahead and answer those questions, so as not to be repetitive.

The Rules of the Versatile Blogger Award:

  • Visit and thank the blogger who nominated you.
  • Acknowledge the blogger on your blog and link back.
  • Share 7 random, interesting things about yourself
  • Nominate up to 15 bloggers for the Versatile Blogger Award, provide a link to their blogs in your post, and notify them on their blogs.
  • Copy and paste the award somewhere on your blog.

So, here are seven random things about me.

1. After many years of practicing yoga, I finally faced my fears of being upside down with less control and completed my first headstand!

2.  I am left handed and like being part of that minority.

3.  I do not have super interesting kitchen equipment, and I cannot live without my food processor.

4. When I was a teenager, I pierced my tongue and navel.  Yes, this nerd did that.  It’s true.

5. My interests are cooking, vegan baking, yoga, spirituality, music, photography (in no particular order) and I have a deep interest in understanding nutrition, GMOs and organic and sustainable farming, as well as chemicals in our food and daily products .   I’m always ready to discuss these things!

6. I am obsessed with photographing my son, Sonny and my adopted dog, Coco.

7.  I buy many books, and haven’t read half of them.  Thankfully, I did read my copy of Skinny Bitchand became a vegetarian halfway through it.

Now, the fun part! Nominating fellow bloggers!

Here goes…

A Vegan In The Weeds

Almost Raw Vegan

And More Food

Coconut And Berries

Cupcakes Always Win

Feed The Piglet

Honk If You’re Vegan

Lisa’s Project: Vegan

Lucy’s Friendly Foods

Poppy’s Patisserie | Bunny Kitchen

The Colorful Kitchen

The Vegan Green

Thank you for thinking of me, and for adding so much inspiration to my day!

Sophia XO

21 thoughts on “Gratitude

  1. Congrats and thank you a thousand times Sophia! I loved the random things you shared – we really have so much in common (except that I’m not left handed)! I’m also amazed that you can do a headstand – that’s an awesome accomplishment! And I’d love for you to share photos of your son (if you feel comfortable with that – I know in this crazy world you might not be) and Coco on your blog. Have a beautiful Sunday! Celeste 🙂

  2. Wild Juggler says:

    συγχαρητήρια! You deserve it, I love your blog and recipes. And it’s so cool that you can do a headstand!

  3. Thank you so much Sophia and many congrats to you on your well deserved awards! Your facts are brilliant, I enjoyed reading them! Do you mean you pierced your on tongue and navel?! 😀

  4. Congrats on being nominated, and for accepting (I find that especially difficult!). And thanks again for thinking of my blog.
    – Funny, I used to have my left ear pierced six times. Must’ve looked ridiculous!

  5. Congratulations on the award, and thanks so much for nominating me in turn! I’ll have my post up later this evening. I enjoyed learning a bit more about you. I’m moving to my own place soon and don’t have my own food processor yet…I think I’m going to be a bit lost without it too!

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