That Great Feeling

When I started blogging six months ago, I thought my following would never exceed my close friends and family.  The first time I got any feedback, comments, and likes from complete strangers, I was elated!  Even today, I am so appreciative that my posts create a dialogue or some sort of inspiration to others.

I am also so honoured to have received two more awards from some fantastic bloggers.  Firstly, Celeste.  One of the first people to follow my blog, and to welcome me to WordPress so kindly.  Celeste writes a fantastic blog, Honk If You’re Vegan.  If you haven’t stopped by yet, you’re missing out.  She writes interesting posts related to veganism, health, animal welfare, and some very entertaining stories about her personal journey.  Celeste nominated me for the The Most Influential Blogger Award, and I am so thankful!  You’re great Celeste, merci!


A newer blog on the blogosphere is Healthy Living, Healthy Us.  Her motto, “Change your life with healthy choices”.  I couldn’t agree more.  She has several delicious healthy recipes that are kid-tested and approved.   One of my favourites is her Coconut Cream Berry Tartlets! I was recently nominated by Healthy Living, Healthy Us for the Liebster Award, and seeing that this one focuses on highlighting blogs with less than 200 followers, I will go ahead and answer those questions and nominate my fellow newbie bloggers.

Thank you both again, you rock!


Here are the rules:

The Liebster Award highlights blogs that have less than 200 followers as a way to recognize new and upcoming blogs.

After being nominated, each nominee must:

  1. Acknowledge the nominating blogger
  2. Share 11 random facts about yourself
  3. Answer the 11 questions the blogger that nominated you has created for you
  4. Nominate 11 new bloggers
  5. Post 11 questions for your nominees to answer
  6. Let all the bloggers know that they have been nominated; but you cannot nominate the blogger that nominated you.

I am breaking the rules – I hope I don’t get in trouble by the WordPress police! I will answer the 11 questions as I just recently posted random facts about me, and don’t want to bore you.  Most importantly, I will pay it forward to 11 new bloggers.  Bloggers, feel free to answer the same questions that I answered below.

1. What’s your favorite thing to wear? Jeans – every single day.

2.What’s your favorite holiday? Halloween

3. What’s your guilty pleasure? Chocolate, of course.

4. Veggies or fruits?  I want to say both, but I’ll choose veggies if I must.

5. If you could pack a suitcase to anywhere right now, what would you pack and where would you go?  Italy!  It’s been a dream destination of mine for a long time.

6. Have you ever lived in another country? Where and for how long?  I have not.  I was born and raised in lovely Montreal, Quebec, CANADA!

7. What are your 5 must-have foods? Can’t live without: quinoa, mushrooms, kale, chickpeas, watermelon.  The list is actually much longer, but I’ll stop at 5…

8. What is one of your biggest regrets?  I truly do not have any regrets.  I am very grateful and content with what I have in my life.

9. What do you want your legacy to be?  I would simply want to be remembered as a kind, generous, loving person.  Who was also able to make you laugh.

10. What is your dream job?  Teaching – yoga and nutrition.

11. Would you rather live on the beach or in the mountains?  The beach.  Probably because we don’t have any decent ones in Montreal!

Here are my nominees.  I encourage you to click on each one and see what they’re all about!

Be Cooks Too

Begin Within Nutrition

Beth’s Bites

Chef Janet Rorschach

Cakey Kate

Chicks & Peas

Decadently FIT

GMO Free Girl

Kate Cares 

Milking Almonds

Little Vegan Bear

Thank you again!

22 thoughts on “That Great Feeling

  1. Sophia! Congratulations! This always gives me a happy feeling when others get awards. It means people are appreciating your voice.

    I also like them because I get introduced to new and wonderful bloggers. So, well done. You’ve supplied me with more reading material. I LOVE TO READ!

    Thank you so much for nominating me. I may be too big to get the Liebster Award now, but it is always such a grand thing to open my mailbox and see that someone appreciates what I’m trying to do.



    • Thank you so much, Janet! Oops, sometimes it’s hard to tell how many followers, or if you are new at blogging or not! Either way, thanks for the lovely thoughts! And I really appreciate you taking the time to read through my blog!
      Sophia 🙂

  2. Congrats for the awards 🙂 Your blog has been a lovely recent discovery. Fun to read your facts too-you must get to Italy! It’s such a fabulous country. I spent 6 weeks living in Florence and had such an amazing time.

  3. Congratulations, Sophia! I made your Vegan Sugar-Free Hazelnut Spread this weekend and my husband and I loooved it! I was afraid that he would say he preferred store bought Nutella but he didn’t!
    I’m sure we’re going to enjoy a lot of batches 🙂
    Thank you for sharing!

    • I’m so glad you tried the spread! Even better, that your hubby didn’t prefer it any less than Nutella. 🙂
      Yup, we use it quite often around here. I like to just have a lick off a spoon here and there when craving sweets!
      Thanks so much for stopping by and for trying this at home. 🙂 Sophia

  4. Thank you so much for the nomination! I’m sorry that I couldn’t respond sooner with my recent move, but I finally found internet at the library to write a proper post. I never expected to be recognized so soon after starting my blog and I’m so honored to be nominated! Congratulations to you for your nominations, as well. You have such a lovely blog, and I can’t tell you how many times I’ve drooled over your recipes!

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